Getting Started with Julia in Colab/Jupyter by Aurélien Geron

This Getting started/ setup instructions is taken directly from Julia_for_Pythonistas blog post written by Aurélien Geron @aureliengeron. Many thanks to him for putting such an elegant comparision of python - julia. I highly recommend this blog if you are coming from python background. It bridges the gap from python -> julia transition....!!

You can either run this notebook in Google Colab by pressing on open in colab button at the top of this post, or if you have Jupyter already on your own machine, you can download this notebook and run locally

Running on Google Colab

  1. Work on a copy of this notebook: File > Save a copy in Drive (you will need a Google account). Alternatively, you can download the notebook using File > Download .ipynb, then upload it to Colab.
  2. Execute the following cell (click on it and press Ctrl+Enter) to install Julia, IJulia (the Jupyter kernel for Julia) and other packages. You can update JULIA_VERSION and the other parameters, if you know what you're doing. Installation takes 2-3 minutes.
  3. Reload this page (press Ctrl+R, or ⌘+R, or the F5 key) and continue to the Checking the Installation section.
  • Note: If your Colab Runtime gets reset (e.g., due to inactivity), repeat steps 2 and 3.
set -e


if [ -n "$COLAB_GPU" ] && [ -z `which julia` ]; then
  # Install Julia
  JULIA_VER=`cut -d '.' -f -2 <<< "$JULIA_VERSION"`
  echo "Installing Julia $JULIA_VERSION on the current Colab Runtime..."
  wget -nv $URL -O /tmp/julia.tar.gz # -nv means "not verbose"
  tar -x -f /tmp/julia.tar.gz -C /usr/local --strip-components 1
  rm /tmp/julia.tar.gz

  # Install Packages
  if [ "$COLAB_GPU" = "1" ]; then
  for PKG in `echo $JULIA_PACKAGES`; do
    echo "Installing Julia package $PKG..."
    julia -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add '$PKG'; precompile;"' &> /dev/null

  # Install kernel and rename it to "julia"
  echo "Installing IJulia kernel..."
  julia -e 'using IJulia; IJulia.installkernel("julia", env=Dict(
  KERNEL_DIR=`julia -e "using IJulia; print(IJulia.kerneldir())"`
  KERNEL_NAME=`ls -d "$KERNEL_DIR"/julia*`
  mv -f $KERNEL_NAME "$KERNEL_DIR"/julia  

  echo ''
  echo "Successfully installed `julia -v`!"
  echo "Please reload this page (press Ctrl+R, ⌘+R, or the F5 key) then"
  echo "jump to the 'Problem statement' section."

Running This Notebook Locally

If you prefer to run this notebook on your machine instead of Google Colab:

  • Download this notebook (File > Download .ipynb)
  • Install Julia
  • Run the following command in a terminal to install IJulia (the Jupyter kernel for Julia), and a few packages we will use:

    julia -e 'using Pkg
              pkg"add IJulia; precompile;"
              pkg"add Plots; precompile;"'
  • Next, go to the directory containing this notebook:

    cd /path/to/notebook/directory
  • Start Jupyter Notebook:

    julia -e 'using IJulia; IJulia.notebook()'

    Or replace notebook() with jupyterlab() if you prefer JupyterLab.

    If you do not already have Jupyter installed, IJulia will propose to install it. If you agree, it will automatically install a private Miniconda (just for Julia), and install Jupyter and Python inside it.

  • Refer Pkg Documentaion for additional info.
  • Lastly, open this notebook and skip directly to the next section.

Problem statement

Let's first define our problem statement as follows...

Let's say we want to find the velocity of a car at some instant of time t represented by V(t) given, initial velocity V₀ = 3 m/s and an accelaration acc = 10 m/s²

Generate Dataset

acc = 10.5
V₀ = 0.5
velocity(t, acc, V₀) = acc*t + V₀
velocity (generic function with 1 method)
t = collect(0:1:25)

# Calculate V(t) for all t
Vₜ = velocity.(t, acc, V₀); # `.` is used to broadcast function to apply on each value of input
    t =>  V(t)
    0 =>     0
    1 =>    11
    2 =>    22
    3 =>    32
    4 =>    42
    5 =>    53
    6 =>    64
    7 =>    74
    8 =>    84
    9 =>    95
   10 =>   106
   11 =>   116
   12 =>   126
   13 =>   137
   14 =>   148
   15 =>   158
   16 =>   168
   17 =>   179
   18 =>   190
   19 =>   200
   20 =>   210
   21 =>   221
   22 =>   232
   23 =>   242
   24 =>   252
   25 =>   263

Plot Dataset

using Plots
# default backend used by Plots.jl package
┌ Info: Precompiling Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]
└ @ Base loading.jl:1423
scatter(t, Vₜ, label = "Vₜ")
scatter!(title = "Velocity Dataset", xlabel="time", ylabel="Velocity", legend=:topleft)

Now we change the names of our Dataset variables so that it is consistent with Machine Learning jargon.


y == Vₜ (output variable)

X == t (input variable)

And, now our goal is train a Linear Regression model to form an equation y = 10x + 3 bcz, in our case a == 10 and V₀ == 3.

X = reshape(t, 1, :) # convert to (no. of features, no. of samples)
y = Vₜ;
foreach(println  summary, (X, y))
1×26 Matrix{Int64}
26-element Vector{Float64}

Creating Linear Regression Model

In Linear Regression we would fit weights w.r.t. each input feature, optionally considering bias. For our problem we have only one input feature

General LR model(X) = W₁X₁ + W₂X₂ + W₃X₃....... + b

Since, we only have one feature which is t, so we would want to define one weight value, W with bias b which gives us with following model -->

model(x) = Wx + b

At given time x we should predict output using W and b (which itself we will going to find out based on Learning

model(X, W, b) = W*X .+ b
model (generic function with 1 method)

First, before training we need to initialize our parameters (both W and b) to some random values.

Generally we would intialize weights randomly and bias to 0. Let's do the same here

using Random

# Seeding
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, 1327)
W = rand(Float32, 1);
b = zeros(Float32, 1);
W, b
(Float32[0.6099193], Float32[0.0])
x = 3
y_true = velocity(x, acc, V₀)
y_pred = model(x, W, b)
y_true, y_pred
(32.0, Float32[1.8297579])

As you can see there is a huge gap w.r.t output predicted vs real using random parameters, now it is time to tune parameters such that predicted values become close to real targets.

Training Model

For training model we need 3 components at least.

  1. Data (X, y)
  2. Loss function (To tune parameters based on how good/bad our model performance is)
  3. Optimization strategy (we use Gradient descent -> simple yet effective optimization procedure that is used widely)

As we already prepared dataset, it's time to write loss function.

A simple loss function for this regression problem (continuous output) is Mean Squared error for short mse.

function loss(ŷ, y)
    m = length(y)  # no. of samples
    return sum(abs2, ( .- y)) / 2m
loss (generic function with 1 method)
 = model(X, W, b) |> vec # vec is used to convert [1 * y] output matrix to vector [y]
loss(, y)

Predictions vs targets plot before training

function plot_preds_vs_targs(, y)
    plot(, label = "Vₜ preds", linewidth=4)
    scatter!(y, label = "Vₜ actual")
    scatter!(title = "Predictions vs Targets", xlabel="time", ylabel="Velocity", legend=:topleft)
plot_preds_vs_targs (generic function with 1 method)
plot_preds_vs_targs(, y)

Now, it is time for tackling Gradient descent step by step.

  • Our Goal is to descrease loss as much as possible by tuning correct values for paramaters of the model.
  1. This can be done by taking gradients of the loss function w.r.t. each parameters (W, b in our case). This tells us in which direction we should update the params to increase the loss.
  2. We Update those params in a such a way that loss should decrease in next step. So we always negate the gradients before updating the params.
  3. Updating is done by subtracting each params independently, by its gradient taken w.r.t. loss. (often updates are multiplied with some fraction (called Learning rate)
  4. Above 3 steps are repeated given number of times (we call it epochs) or we can stop training in the middle when we are satisfied with the loss value.
function gradient(X, y, )
    m = length(y); # number of samples

    W⁻ = sum(( .- y) .* X[1, :]) / m
    b⁻ = sum( .- y) / m
    return W⁻, b⁻
gradient (generic function with 1 method)

I'm skipping for braveity on how i came up with Gradient equations above.

We get those equations when we calculate partial derivatives => dL\dW and dL\db.

For nice reference you can watch this playlist by 3Blue1Brown :)

function update!(W, b, W⁻, b⁻; lr)
    # `!` is postfixed to func name as a convention for inplace update of any of the arguments passed to it
    # here, we update `W, b` inplace 
    W[1] -= lr * W⁻
    b[1] -= lr * b⁻
    return Nothing
update! (generic function with 1 method)

Trainer -> for Training model

Now, we will combine everything => data, params, model, loss, gradient and update into a trainer.

function trainer!(X, y, W, b, model, loss, gradient, update!; epochs, lr)
    W_hist = zeros(Float32, epochs)
    b_hist = zeros(Float32, epochs)
    l_hist = zeros(Float32, epochs)
    for i in 1:epochs
        # store params history
        W_hist[i] = W[1]
        b_hist[i] = b[1]
        # calc preds and convert to a vector
         = model(X, W, b) |> vec
        # calc loss and store it in history
        l_hist[i] = loss(ŷ, y)
        # print loss every 100 epochs
        (i % 100 != 0) || @printf "@Epoch : %4d => loss = %5.4f\n" i l_hist[i]
        # calc gradients
        W⁻, b⁻ = gradient(X, y, )
        # update weights
        update!(W, b, W⁻, b⁻, lr=lr)
    return l_hist, W_hist, b_hist
trainer! (generic function with 1 method)
lr = 1f-4
epochs = 2000;
loss_hist, W_hist, b_hist = trainer!(X, y, W, b, model, loss, gradient, update!; epochs=epochs, lr=lr);
@Epoch :  100 => loss = 146.5059
@Epoch :  200 => loss = 1.9673
@Epoch :  300 => loss = 0.0273
@Epoch :  400 => loss = 0.0012
@Epoch :  500 => loss = 0.0009
@Epoch :  600 => loss = 0.0009
@Epoch :  700 => loss = 0.0009
@Epoch :  800 => loss = 0.0009
@Epoch :  900 => loss = 0.0009
@Epoch : 1000 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1100 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1200 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1300 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1400 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1500 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1600 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1700 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1800 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 1900 => loss = 0.0008
@Epoch : 2000 => loss = 0.0008

Predictions Animation

function animate_preds(X, y, W_hist, b_hist)
    anim = Animation()

    for i in 1:length(W_hist)
        scatter(y, label = "Vₜ actual")
        scatter!(title = "Predictions vs Targets (Animation)", xlabel="time", ylabel="Velocity", legend=:topleft)
         = model(X, W_hist[i], b_hist[i]) |> vec
        plot!(, label = "Vₜ preds")

    display(gif(anim, "preds_vs_targs.gif", fps=5))
animate_preds (generic function with 1 method)
animate_preds(X, y, W_hist, b_hist)
┌ Info: Saved animation to 
│   fn = /mnt/d/karthikdk/julia_workspace/LinReg_Blog/preds_vs_targs.gif
└ @ Plots /home/karthikdk/.julia/packages/Plots/1KWPG/src/animation.jl:114

In this Animation, you can see how tuning of parameters with correct values is helping the model to predict values as close to targets as possible...

function static_preds(X, y, W_hist, b_hist)
    plt = scatter(y, label = "Vₜ actual")
    scatter!(title = "Predictions vs Targets (Static)", xlabel="time", ylabel="Velocity", legend=:topleft)
    for i in 1:length(W_hist)
        # display targs every 10 epochs
        if (i % 10 == 0)
             = model(X, W_hist[i], b_hist[i]) |> vec
            plot!(, label = false)
static_preds (generic function with 1 method)
static_preds(X, y, W_hist, b_hist)
plot_preds_vs_targs(model(X, W_hist[end], b_hist[end])[:], y)

Plot (Loss, Weight, Bias) vs (epochs)

plot(loss_hist, label=false, xlabel="epochs", ylabel="loss", title="Loss vs Epochs")
scatter(W_hist, label=false, xlabel="epochs", ylabel="weight", title="Weight vs Epochs")
scatter(b_hist, label=false, xlabel="epochs", ylabel="bias", title="Bias vs Epochs")

As we can see, with increase in epochs, params and loss reaches it's optimal value over time (increase in epochs)...

Surface Plots

# Surface plot
loss_fn(W, b) = loss(model(X, W, b) |> vec, y)

# W_values = collect(Float32, LinRange(5.0, 15.0, 100))
# b_values = collect(Float32, LinRange(-2.0, 2.0, 100))
W_values = collect(Float32, LinRange(9.0, 12.0, 100))
b_values = collect(Float32, LinRange(-8.0, 8.0, 100))
surface(W_values, b_values, loss_fn)
surface!(title = "3D loss visualization", xlabel="weight", ylabel="bias", zlabel="loss")
# plot!(W, b, Float32(loss_fn(W, b)), marker=:star, ms=5, label="optimal loss")

Here, we can verify that, with correct values for Weight and bias, we get to the lowest loss....

Contour Plots

# Contour Plot in log-space
logspace(a, b, n) = 10 .^ range(a, stop=b, length=n)

W_values = collect(Float32, LinRange(9.0, 12.0, 100))
b_values = collect(Float32, LinRange(-8.0, 8.0, 100))

# Plot loss_hist as 15 contours spaced logarithmically between 0.01 and 100
contour(W_values, b_values, loss_fn, levels=logspace(-2, 3, 15))
contour!(title = "3D loss visualization", xlabel="weight", ylabel="bias")
plot!(W, b, marker=:star, ms=5, label="optimal loss")

This contour plot will give us an idea about how loss varies with different combinations of Weight and bias ....

After training the model, we get following values for acc and V₀ compared to actual values that we used to generate Dataset. It's pretty close.

@Actual    values : acc = 10.5000 & V₀ = 0.5000
@Predicted values : acc = 10.4954 & V₀ = 0.5780

Finally.... we were able to get the optimal values as close to original values as possible using Machine Learning !!!

Let me know if you have any queries/suggestions in the comments.