Lifetime and Visibility in C Programs


I would like to explain how different keywords in C especially static and extern plays key role in defining the lifetime and visibility of objects. This has been ever confusing topic for me whenever i come across such keywords in real world code. This is my understanding and explanation as to when/how to use such keywords and how to reason about the same.

Basic Exploration

Firstly, i will define the terms “Lifetime” and “Visibility” as follows:

Lifetime: Every object has start and end point beyond which we can’t/shouldn’t access it. In other words it refers to Storage duration of an object.

Visibility: An object can/should be accessed from inside block or inside file or from other translation units [.c source files] only according to its visibility. In other words it refers to Linkage of an object.

I will thoroughly explain the concepts with each keywords along the lines of above definition.


Lifetime: Changes the lifetime to Static storage duration meaning it will be stored in memory till the end of the program. This applies even for the object’s which are in file scope (local) and/or block scope (global).

Visibility: Set’s the objects to Internal linkage, i.e, object is accessible only within current translation unit.

Snippet 1:

#include <stdio.h>

void func() {
    static int count = 0; // static local variable
    printf("Count: %d\n", count);

int main() {
    func(); // Output: Count: 1
    func(); // Output: Count: 2
    func(); // Output: Count: 3

    return 0;

Snippet 1 stdout:

Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3

In this example, the count variable is declared as static inside the func function. It retains its value between function calls, demonstrating static storage duration and internal linkage.


Lifetime: Changes the lifetime to Static storage duration meaning it will be stored in memory till the end of the program. This applies even for the object’s which are in file scope (local) and/or block scope (global).

Visibility: Set’s the objects to External linkage, i.e, object is accessible to other current translation units.

Snippet 2:

File: main.c

#include <stdio.h>

extern int globalVar; // Declaration of an external variable

int main() {
    printf("Global Variable: %d\n", globalVar);
    return 0;

File: global.c

int globalVar = 42; // Definition of the external variable

Snippet 2 stdout:

Global Variable: 42

In this example, globalVar is declared as extern in main.c and defined in global.c. This demonstrates external linkage, allowing the variable to be accessed across different translation units.

Advanced Exploration

Scenario 1: Let’s say we have to create user defined type and the object with this type has to be shared among different source files.

Snippet 3:

File: types.h

#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char name[50];
} User;

extern User user; // Declaration of an external variable of user-defined type

#endif // TYPES_H

File: main.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include "types.h"

int main() {
    printf("User ID: %d\n",;
    printf("User Name: %s\n",;
    return 0;

File: user.c

#include "types.h"

User user = {1, "John Doe"}; // Definition of the external variable

Snippet 3 stdout:

User ID: 1
User Name: John Doe

In this example, the User type is defined in a header file types.h, and the user variable is declared as extern. The variable is defined in user.c and accessed in main.c, demonstrating external linkage and sharing of user-defined types across different source files.

Scenario 2: Let’s say we have to create a user-defined function that should be encapsulated and shouldn’t be shared with other source files.

Snippet 4:

File: utils.c

#include "utils.h"

static void helperFunction() {
    // Function implementation

void publicFunction() {
    helperFunction(); // Can call the static function within the same file

File: utils.h

#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H

void publicFunction(); // Only declare the public function here

#endif // UTILS_H

File: main.c

#include "utils.h"

int main() {
    publicFunction(); // Can call the public function
    // helperFunction(); // Error: helperFunction is not accessible here

    return 0;

In this example, helperFunction is defined as static in utils.c, limiting its visibility to that file. publicFunction can call helperFunction within utils.c, but helperFunction is not accessible in main.c, demonstrating the use of static to encapsulate functions within a single source file.


staticStored till program endsAccessible only within current file
externStored till program endsAccessible across different files
