Instagram Followers Inspection


I’ve always had the urge to find out people who had unfollowed me from instagram abruptly. However, instagram doesn’t provide notifications or an easy way to access this info. As of my knowledge on May 13, 2024, we still have to manually check each and every person from our followers list in our followees list to figure this out. It’s boring and tedious task.


As a fun exercise, I thought of writing a small python script to figure this out. This blog is about how I achieved it.


There is a python library called Instaloader which is a tool for downloading pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram. I’m more interested in metadata part. We can directly extract the followers and followees list of the people you follow if you login into your user ID.

First, we have to create an instaloader instance and then login using our user ID and password

import instaloader

L = instaloader.Instaloader()
L.login(<user_id>, <password>)

Then we can extract anyone’s profile from our followers list or we can create our own profile

profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, <inspect_user_id>)

We can just extract the list of followers and followees using this profile instance

followers = profile.get_followers()
followees = profile.get_followees()

Using list comprehension magic, we can simply compare the usernames from the followers and followees list to find out poeple who we don’t follow back and people who don’t follow us back !!

followers_names = [o.username for o in followers]
followees_names = [o.username for o in followees]

u_not_following_others = [o for o in followers_names if o not in followees_names]
other_not_following_u = [o for o in followees_names if o not in followers_names]

Finally, we can just save these results in a text file using following simple code and close the connection

def list_to_txt(fname, data):
    data = sorted(data)
    with open(fname, "w") as file:
        data_to_write = "\n".join(data)

        # Write the data to the file

# Save results to a text file
list_to_txt("others_not_following_u.txt", other_not_following_u)
list_to_txt("u_not_following_others.txt", u_not_following_others)

# Close the connection


/python/ /instagram/ /script/