Batch script for Copying Binaries


I got tired of manually copying the necessary files from the build project folder. Additionally, I had to copy the zipped project content to the destination folder every time I delivered a project. To streamline this process, I decided to automate the task using a Windows batch script as my development operating system is Windows.


Write a windows batch script to automate zipping the content and also copying the files.


I have 7-zip installed in my machine so i use this tool to zip the contents and xcopy, an inbuilt tool in windows is used for copying the files. I will explain each part of the script below.

First and foremost thing in batch scripts is to turn off outputting the commands run but for debugging purpose, we can comment-out/delete this line

@ECHO off

Change directory to the folder where the script is placed (ideally PROJECT root) using %~dp0, %0 refers to the batch file. Set destination to new folder _share inside root directory or to any folder to your needs

CD %~dp0

SET dest=%cd%\_share

Next, extract the PROJECT folder name and zip its contents using 7-zip. I don’t have clear understanding of how code line for extracting folder name works, this was made possible by googling and chatting with chatgpt for a day :)

FOR %%F in ("%CD%") DO SET "PROJECT_name=%%~nxF"

7z a ..\ %cd%\

Set all the required files that you want to copy using SET and copy using xcopy. /y option is used to accept to copy the files by default.

SET zip=%CD%\..\
SET hex=%CD%\bin\%PROJECT_name%.hex
SET config=%CD%\gen\%PROJECT_name%.xml
:: etc ...

:: Copy files using xcopy
FOR %%F in (%zip%, %hex%, %config%) DO xcopy %%F %dest%\ /y

Use pause before exiting the program, so that you can see which files are copied in the standard output window

:: pause to see the stdout

exit /b 0


/batch/ /script/